Have A Blessed Passover

The Passover, The Firstfruits, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

The Passover and the Full Moon

In todays age, the full moon is usually glorified by the average person for its beauty. It is bright, beautiful, and sometimes colorful. Other than that, the full moon mostly goes unnoticed for its significance.

It is mostly portrayed in movies that glorify witches and werewolves. Or maybe, you will see a full moon in a movie with zombies that are rising from the dead. The full moon has been conditioned to be viewed as a symbol of evil. It has been adulterated as a relation to witchcraft and black magic. The scripture exposes this evil view.

The ancient Hebrews used the moon for their calendar and to keep track of the times and seasons. In fact, they used the entire sky for a clock to keep track of time. They used the sun to tell the days, the moon to tell the months, and the stars to tell the years. It makes sense the moon would be used to keep track of the months since it is also broken down into four different quarters, seven days apart each. There are many cultures who still use the Lunar calendar including the Chinese. In a complete year there are 12 full moon cycles. Unless its a leap year...you will see 13.

The scripture tells us that God appointed the lights in the Heavens to be used for times and seasons. The greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.

Genesis 1:14 and16

14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

16: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

Satan has tried to steal the symbol of the moon and paint a picture of it as a device for wickedness in the minds of Christians and others. The scripture shows that the moon is a symbol/tool of time.

In Exodus we read about Moses and his mission from God to remove His people from the grip of Egypt's oppression. Egypt was a highly technically advanced nation for its time. They worshipped many different gods including the Anunnaki, who I believe are direct descendants of the fallen angels.


The easiest way to remember the Passover is to use the first full moon of the first month. I have observed that the 15th day of the new moon does not always land on a complete full moon and may take place right before the full moon reaches its peak. It is still a good tool to use to keep track of the time of the Passover.

God establishes the Passover right before the ultimate and most horrific plague on Egypt. He declares Passover as a law to be followed throughout Israel's generations forever.

Discovering that the Passover is dedicated to the time of the full moon shines light on several interesting revelations. When God declared and established the Passover in Egypt, the time came for the nation of Israel to slaughter and sacrifice their sheep or goat, and paint their doorposts with the blood of their offering. This blood was seen by the Angel of Death sent by God to destroy every first born son and calf, who would then pass over the homes and dwellings with the sacrificial blood on their doorposts. Every first born son or calf was destroyed by the Angel of Death if the blood was missing from its ordered destination. And this all happened under the beautiful God given glow of a full moon.

A Full Moon over Egypt

It was a full moon when Gods judgement came down upon the pride of Pharaoh's hardened heart. He brought His judgement through the shadow of the Angel of Death under the light of a full moon. It is a very incredible and mysterious thing.

Under the same full moon God brings freedom and repentance to His nation of children as Pharaoh finally decides to let the people go. They flee into the desert and miraculously cross the red sea on their journey to the promised land. It was through this full moon of the Passover that God did execute judgement and righteousness upon Egypt and Israel.

1500 years later we can find the same parallels of the Passover in Egypt with the Passover of Jesus Crucifixion. Our Savior was crucified during Passover and laid in the Tomb before the High Sabbath. On the final night of His rest in the tomb the full moon would have been at its peak as the first and only man in history rises from the dead under a full moon. Gods judgement came down on the world as His Son carried that burden and was delivered into the heart of the earth in the Garden of Gethsemane under a full moon. Then, God set His children free and paved a wat to the promised land as our Messiah rose again from the dead under the full moon of the Passover.

They can make movies and script the howl of werewolves at Gods full moon. Or they can create fictional stories of zombies rising from the dead. But we all know the truth, that the full moon is a sign of our Messiah rising from the dead and a redemption of our sins as He paid the ultimate price for all of us.

I pray that you have a blessed Passover and that you enjoy this wonderful Law God has dedicated to His children. Yah bless you fully and as always, if you have any questions please feel free to reply to this email.

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