Electric Foods, Beings of Light

My Lunar Revelations Journal

By Nathan Kwedor


This evening marks the 3rd Quarter Wanning Lunar Phase of the 6th month.

Yahs Calendar

Electric Foods, Beings of Light

Back into diet this week. We are looking at foods that carry electricity naturally. As I mentioned in previous studies, we are beings of light. Our souls and consciousness are light. And when we enter through the portal of death, our light returns to the source of light, and that is God. God is the highest frequency, the brightest light, pure light/fire.

In order to feed these wonderous and fearfully made bodies that our Creator has gifted to us, we must also eat light, energy, fire, and electricity because WE ARE light, energy, fire, and electric beings. So which foods have these kinds of qualities?

If we remember the diet God gave Adam in the book of Genesis It was plants and the fruit of the trees.

Electric Fish

Now I'm not big on vegan nor am I a vegan myself, but I wish I could be. Besides fish, fruits and vegetables are the closest foods we have to quite literally eating the energy of the sun, or light itself.

In my perfect world, fish would be my only meat of choice. Fish is full of Vitamin D, which is a nutrient over 40% of Americans are deficient in. We need Vitamin D and we also get this vitamin from the sun. Fish is also full of Iodine, which is extremely healthy for our pineal gland, and keeps us cleansed from calcification and heavy metals.

Then we have the Omega 3 fatty acids which are a crucial nutrient needed for brain health. Fish is the best source in the world for Omega 3s. Fish is usually associated with eternal life because eating fish produces more gray matter in the brain, which is what our neurons need for transmitting electric signals properly.

In other words, eating fish makes healthy neurons which make us younger and slows aging, and allows electricity in our bodies to circulate, generate, and respond more within our brains.

So, fish is awesome. Here are a few other foods that are electric, and essential for optimized health in our bodies.

Oranges And Citrus Fruits

Oranges are delicious. Not only are they electric, they are flammable as well. Oranges produce a chemical called Limonene. And when Limonene comes in contact with a flame it will ignite.

Limonene will also pop a balloon, and if you could secrete about 300 oranges of Limonene you could make a gallon of gas to fuel your car. Try it at your childs next birthday party. Just fold the peel in half facing out and squeeze. It doesn't take very much.

Oranges can also create light. Just get some zinc and copper nails, put one each in each orange, connect them all with wire and at the end put your light bulb, then watch it light up!

Oranges are an awesome electric essential food for our health. Not only oranges, but all citrus fruits will provide electricity. A lemon can produce 7/10 of one volt of electricity. The brighter you want your light, add more lemons!


Vegetables are not only the most delicious food ever known to man...right? Vegetables are full of potassium which conduct electricity. Many also have ions which also produce electricity.

Such vegetables that have a lot of potassium and ionic content are potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Eat The Light

If we want to be whole and healthy, we have to eat the light of the sun. The only way to do that is to eat right, and eat the fruit of the earth. We are specifically designed to consume these healthy foods. Our bodies were created for them and they were created for our bodies.

Although some fruits and vegetables may not produce electricity as well as others, it is still important to eat any kind of fruit and vegetable. Especially berries.

Berries are some of the most healthy foods known to mankind. Raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries among the commonly known are amazing choices!

Fruits and vegetables will save your life, they will fight cancer and multiple diseases. If we were to only eat fruits and vegetables, we would reach a peak in our health probably unheard of in our modern society.

Remember our study in nutrigenomics? The study of how our body regenerates itself from the bone marrow to the heart, liver and blood? Now if we only ate healthy food, in about 10 years we would be completely brand new and generating rather than degenerating.

Here's an awesome book I recommend to anyone who wants to change their eating habits for the better, and avoid a life of medications by the handful.

If there is any specific topic you would like to see a study on, or if you have any prayer requests, or if you would like to say hi! Reply back to this message! I would love to hear your thoughts on these studies! All feedback is welcome.

Yah Bless You,

Your Brother in Christ,


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