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- An Introduction To Electro Culture…How Electricity Reverses Age And Gray Hair
An Introduction To Electro Culture…How Electricity Reverses Age And Gray Hair
My Lunar Revelations Journal
By Nathan Kwedor
Tonight is the beginning of the next Lunar phase, the Full Moon!
Yahs Calendar
Buy this book on Amazon by clicking here
Electro Culture
Anywhere you look on the internet you will find nothing but info declaring this anti aging process is a fraud. But let the truth be told. Everything in this realm of heaven and earth is electromagnetic. Including us, our food, water, light, sound, and electricity.
Did you know that it’s been proven that there are 100 volts of electrical potential for every meter that you rise above the ground? Ancient cities and cathedrals use to know this fact and actually tapped into this free energy source. Many have heard of Nikolai Tesla and his free energy devices.
There is a dominating energy field in the space that we would called air where there exists AETHER. Also known as ether or the fifth element. Aether is the result of the electromagnetic waves we are surrounded by. All of which carry our sound and light. Think of the radio or wi-fi/ETHERnet.
Everything in nature produces this aether. Plants, animals, us. We all produce electricity/energy/light. The aether is the current of that electricity. Positive and negative magnetism...push and pull to create this energy field around us.
The earth radiates this energy field and our bodies absorb it and release it back into the atmosphere and the earth again which creates our own energy field. Imagine a full circle.
This is the concern with 5g networking because it disrupts this natural energy field, replacing it with an artificial energy field that pulls our bodies out of tune of our natural harmonic frequencies. And trust me, this is known to the powers that be.
Electro culture makes all the difference with our health, and can even grow our vegetables and plants to enormous and healthy sizes. It's as simple as grounding some copper coils into the ground around your garden, and your plants, indoors or outdoors.
Many people even use crystals on the end of their copper antennas to magnify the energy, since crystals are simply solid objects full of light and sound.
The copper serves as the conductor of this aether that we can't see. And when we ground the copper in soil it absorbs this aether from the atmosphere and draws it back into the earth again, strengthening the earths magnetism of the aether.
This energy is absorbed by plants and garden vegetables and makes them full, healthy, large, and more flavorful.
Now main stream science will never admit it but it's as simple as putting two-and-two together. Our bodies are made of the earth, we are literally beings of walking and breathing soil. How could we not be meant to connect to the earth?
Our nervous system is 100% electric and it is the one part of our bodies besides consciousness that scientists can't figure out. The number one material that prevents the flow of electricity is rubber...what is on the bottom of our shoes? This is why grounding is so important, barefoot in the earth.
Electro Culture even effects our water. We can electrify our water by stirring it with a copper rod. It will change the very molecular structure of our water and electrify it. Then when we drink it, the same happens to us. We electrify our bodies. And when our bodies electrify, we become healthier, and can even reverse the gray hairs on our heads! Gray hair comes from a loss of electrical conductivity in the hair follicles. If we can replace that electrical conductivity then we can reverse our aging process.
One look at the Hunza tribe and theres no question. Not only does nearly every person in this tribe live to 120 years or more, they also have enough energy to climb a mountain at over 100 years old. Scientists will point at their diet as the reason why and this may be a large reason as to how. But it is also in their water. They drink from a glacier that structures their water in a natural way that electrifies their water to a full structure. The 75 year old people look like their in their 40's.
Hunza Woman
The truth is Electro Culture is not a fraud. It is tapping into natures free energy field. Try it out if you want a 2,000 pound pumpkin. Electro Culture is restoring trees, plants, water, and people back to life! There are entire communities that are growing back into this ancient used-to-be-known knowledge. Tap in to our potential and try it for yourself with copper bracelets, cups, and coils!
Yah bless you, I pray this study finds you well. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me directly by replying to this email!
Your brother in Christ, Nate
113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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My Lunar Revelations Journal
By Nathan Kwedor
Tonight is the beginning of the next Lunar phase, the Full Moon!
Yahs Calendar
Buy this book on Amazon by clicking here
Electro Culture
Anywhere you look on the internet you will find nothing but info declaring this anti aging process is a fraud. But let the truth be told. Everything in this realm of heaven and earth is electromagnetic. Including us, our food, water, light, sound, and electricity.
Did you know that it’s been proven that there are 100 volts of electrical potential for every meter that you rise above the ground? Ancient cities and cathedrals use to know this fact and actually tapped into this free energy source. Many have heard of Nikolai Tesla and his free energy devices.
There is a dominating energy field in the space that we would called air where there exists AETHER. Also known as ether or the fifth element. Aether is the result of the electromagnetic waves we are surrounded by. All of which carry our sound and light. Think of the radio or wi-fi/ETHERnet.
Everything in nature produces this aether. Plants, animals, us. We all produce electricity/energy/light. The aether is the current of that electricity. Positive and negative magnetism...push and pull to create this energy field around us.
The earth radiates this energy field and our bodies absorb it and release it back into the atmosphere and the earth again which creates our own energy field. Imagine a full circle.
This is the concern with 5g networking because it disrupts this natural energy field, replacing it with an artificial energy field that pulls our bodies out of tune of our natural harmonic frequencies. And trust me, this is known to the powers that be.
Electro culture makes all the difference with our health, and can even grow our vegetables and plants to enormous and healthy sizes. It's as simple as grounding some copper coils into the ground around your garden, and your plants, indoors or outdoors.
Many people even use crystals on the end of their copper antennas to magnify the energy, since crystals are simply solid objects full of light and sound.
The copper serves as the conductor of this aether that we can't see. And when we ground the copper in soil it absorbs this aether from the atmosphere and draws it back into the earth again, strengthening the earths magnetism of the aether.
This energy is absorbed by plants and garden vegetables and makes them full, healthy, large, and more flavorful.
Now main stream science will never admit it but it's as simple as putting two-and-two together. Our bodies are made of the earth, we are literally beings of walking and breathing soil. How could we not be meant to connect to the earth?
Our nervous system is 100% electric and it is the one part of our bodies besides consciousness that scientists can't figure out. The number one material that prevents the flow of electricity is rubber...what is on the bottom of our shoes? This is why grounding is so important, barefoot in the earth.
Electro Culture even effects our water. We can electrify our water by stirring it with a copper rod. It will change the very molecular structure of our water and electrify it. Then when we drink it, the same happens to us. We electrify our bodies. And when our bodies electrify, we become healthier, and can even reverse the gray hairs on our heads! Gray hair comes from a loss of electrical conductivity in the hair follicles. If we can replace that electrical conductivity then we can reverse our aging process.
One look at the Hunza tribe and theres no question. Not only does nearly every person in this tribe live to 120 years or more, they also have enough energy to climb a mountain at over 100 years old. Scientists will point at their diet as the reason why and this may be a large reason as to how. But it is also in their water. They drink from a glacier that structures their water in a natural way that electrifies their water to a full structure. The 75 year old people look like their in their 40's.
Hunza Woman
The truth is Electro Culture is not a fraud. It is tapping into natures free energy field. Try it out if you want a 2,000 pound pumpkin. Electro Culture is restoring trees, plants, water, and people back to life! There are entire communities that are growing back into this ancient used-to-be-known knowledge. Tap in to our potential and try it for yourself with copper bracelets, cups, and coils!
Yah bless you, I pray this study finds you well. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me directly by replying to this email!
Your brother in Christ, Nate
113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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