Matthew 5:18 - Have A Blessed Sabbath

Yah And Sons

The Sabbath Recall

by Nathan Kwedor

Shabbat Shalom [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! This Sabbath is the 22nd day of the 2nd month.

I get it, people do not like to read long emails. Studies show that the average person only spends 8-12 seconds over any email, and our email engagement rate has dropped more than 10%. Yet, here I am writing 10 minute plus blog reads. The thing is, email is the most stable and broad platform anyone can use.

These studies or studying the Bible in general may seem boring at times, but its very exciting when we find the little golden nuggets that are full of spiritual richness. It is important to remain diligent in our studies and self disciplined regardless of how we feel. Persistency is always key when it comes to doing anything worthwhile. And since Gods Word is probably the most important thing we can learn in our lives it most definitely should be one of our top priorities.

2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

To properly study the Bible every Word has to be defined. Defining the Words is the easy part, it is the context that can become tricky. We offer Word for Word definitions in these studies for credibility. The more I study the Hebrew and the Greek texts of the Bible it becomes more clear there is a completely different scripture hidden behind these original languages compared to the English language translations everyone is familiar with.

Different scripture means different doctrine. Different Words produce different thought, even the slightest. I pray all of the church of Christ becomes hungry for the True doctrine of the Gospel.

I pray this week and this study bless you fully. If you have any questions or prayer/financial requests you can reach me directly by replying to this email. The commentary study for this verse will be after the Word definitions of the email.

God bless you,


The Sabbath Recall Bible Study

King James Version Matthew 5: 18

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Strong's Greek Matthew 5: 18

ἀμὴν γὰρ λέγω ὑμῖν, ἕως ἂν παρέλθῃ ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ, ἰῶτα ἓν ἢ μία κεραία οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ ἀπὸ τοῦ νόμου, ἕως ἂν πάντα γένηται.

Gar legō hymin amēn heōs an ouranos kai gē parelthē ou mē hen iōta ē mia keraia parelthē apo tou nomou heōs an panta genētai.

For I tell you truly, until an heaven and earth pass away, not ??? a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the law until ??? everything is accomplished.

Salkinson Ginsburg Hebrew Matthew 5: 18 (Read Left To Right)

כִּי הֵן אָמֵן אָנֹכִי מַגִּיד לָכֶם עַד אֲשֶׁר הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ יַעֲבֹרוּן לֹא תַעֲבֹר יוּד אַחַת מִן־הַתּוֹרָה אַף לֹא קוֹץ אֶחָד עַד כִּי־כֻלָּם יָקוּמוּ:

Kiy hen amen anokhiy magiyd lakhem ad asher hashׁamayim v'haaretz yvrvn lo taavor yod achat mnhtvrh af lo kotz ached ad khykhlm yakumu:

For behold truly I declare to you, until the Heavens and the Earth will pass, will not remove one yod from the Torah even one thorn until certainly all will fulfill.

Word for Word Greek Definition of Matthew 5: 18

For Strong's Greek 1063: γὰρ / gar (Conjunction): for, indeed (a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation)

I tell Strong's Greek 3004: λέγω / legō / leg'-o (Verb): (denoting speech in progress), (a) I say, speak; I mean, mention, tell, (b) I call, name, especially in the pass., (c) I tell, command.

you Strong's Greek 4771: ὑμῖν / hymin / su / soo (Personal / Possessive Pronoun) - Dative 2nd Person Plural: You. The person pronoun of the second person singular; thou.

truly, Strong's Greek 281: ἀμὴν / amēn / am-ane' (Hebrew Word): Of Hebrew origin; properly, firm, i.e. trustworthy; adverbially, surely.

until Strong's Greek 2193: ἕως / heōs / heh'-oce (Conjunction): A conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until.

??? (an) Strong's Greek 302: ἂν / an (Particle): usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty

heaven Strong's Greek 3772: οὐρανὸς / ouranos / oo-ran-os' (Noun): heaven, (a) the visible heavens: the atmosphere, the sky, the starry heavens, (b) the spiritual heavens.

and Strong's Greek 2532: καὶ / kai (Conjunction): And, even, also, namely.

earth Strong's Greek 1093: γῆ / gē / ghay (Noun): the earth, soil, land, region, country, inhabitants of a region.

pass away, Strong's Greek 3928: παρέλθῃ / parelthē / parerchomai / par-er'-khom-ahee (Verb): to pass by, to come to , I pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; I am rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard.

not Strong's Greek 3756: οὐ / ou (Adverb): No, not. Also ouk, and ouch a primary word; the absolute negative adverb; no or not.

that Strong's Greek 3361: μὴ / mē (Adverb): not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation)

a single Strong's Greek 1520: ἓν / hen (Adjective): - Nominative Neuter Singular: One. (including the neuter Hen); a primary numeral; one.

jot, Strong's Greek 2503: ἰῶτα / iōta / ee-o'-tah (Noun): iota, a small letter of the Greek alphabet, used in the NT (like yod, the Hebrew or rather Aramaic letter which was the smallest of all) to indicate the smallest part.

not Strong's Greek 2228:  / ē (Conjunction): Or, than. A primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than.

a Strong's Greek 1520: μία / mia / heis / hice (Adjective) - Nominative Feminine Singular: One. (including the neuter Hen); a primary numeral; one.

stroke of a pen, Strong's Greek 2762: κεραία / keraia / ker-ah'-yah (Noun): a little horn , a little hook, an apostrophe on letters of the alphabet, distinguishing them from other little letters, or a separation stroke between letters.

will disappear Strong's Greek 3928: παρέλθῃ / parelthē / parerchomai / par-er'-khom-ahee (Verb): to pass by, to come to , I pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; I am rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard.

from Strong's Greek 575: ἀπὸ / apo / apo' (Preposition): From, away from. A primary particle; 'off, ' i.e. Away, in various senses.

the Strong's Greek 3588: τοῦ / tou / ho (Article) - Genitive Masculine Singular: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

Law Strong's Greek 3551: νόμου / nomou / nom'-os (Noun): that which is assigned, usage, law , usage, custom, law; in NT: of law in general, plur: of divine laws; of a force or influence impelling to action; of the Mosaic law; meton: of the books which contain the law, the Pentateuch, the Old Testament scriptures in general.

until Strong's Greek 2193: ἕως / heōs / heh'-oce (Conjunction): A conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until, till.

??? (an) Strong's Greek 302: ἂν / an (Particle): usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty

everything Strong's Greek 3956: πάντα / panta / pas (Adjective): all, every , all, the whole, every kind of.

is accomplished. Strong's Greek 1096: γένηται / genētai / ghin'-om-ahee (Verb): to come into being, to happen, to become , I come into being, am born, become, come about, happen.

Word for Word Hebrew Definition of Matthew 5: 18

For Strongs Heb#: 3588- כִּי / ki / kee (conjunction): that, for, when; forasmuch, inasmuch, whereas, assuredly, but, certainly, doubtless

behold Strongs Heb#:2005- הֵן / hen /hane (Verb): behold, if, lo, though . A primitive particle; lo!; also (as expressing surprise) if -- behold, if, lo, though.

truly Strongs Heb#:543- אָמֵן / amen / aw-mane' (Adverb): Amen, so be it, truth . From 'aman; sure; abstract, faithfulness; adverb, truly -- Amen, so be it, truth.

I Strongs Heb#:595- אָנֹכִי / anoki / aw-no-kee' (Pronoun Singular Common; Pronoun Singular): I, me, which . Sometimes {aw-no'-kee}; a primitive pro.; I -- I, me, X which.

declare Strongs Heb#:5046- נָגַד / nagad / naw-gad' (Verb): bewray, certainly, certify, declare, denounce, expound, fully, messenger, to be conspicuous

to you, Strongs Heb#: 413- אֵל / el / ale (Preposition): about, according to, after, against, among, as for, at, because, before both , to, into, towards

until Strongs Heb#: 5704-5705- עַד / ad / ad (Preposition; Preposition ; Conjunction): against, and, as, at, before, by that, even to, forasmuch as, as far as, even to, up to, until, while

the Strongs Heb#: 834- אֲשֶׁר / asher / ash-er' (Particle of Relation; Connecting Link; Conjunction; Adverb; Conjunction; Adverb; Conjunction; Conjunction; Relative Particle; Pronoun; Conjunction): after, alike, as soon as, because, every, for, forasmuch, from whence, who, which, that

Heavens Strongs Heb#: 8064-8065 שָׁמַיִם / shamayim / shaw-mah'-yim (Noun Masculine) air, astrologer, heavens, sky

and the Earth Strongs Heb#: 776- אֶרֶץ / erets / eh'-rets (Noun Feminine): earth, land

will pass, Strongs Heb#: 5674- עָבַר / abar / aw-bar' (Verb): to pass over, through, or by, pass on

will not Strongs Heb#: 3808- לֹא / lo / lo (Adverb): not, before, or else, ere, except, ignorant, much, less, nay

remove Strongs Heb#: 5674- עָבַר / abar / aw-bar' (Verb): to pass over, through, or by, pass on

yad Strongs Heb#: 3027-3028- יָד / yad / yawd (Noun Feminine): hand, be able, about, armholes, at, axletree, because of, beside, border, indicating power

one Strongs Heb#: 259- אֶחָד / echad / ekh-awd' (Adjective): one, a, alike, alone, altogether, and, anything, apiece, a certain

from Strongs Heb#: 4480- מִן / min or minni or minne / min (Preposition): from, above, after, among, at, because of, by reason of, from among, in

the Torah Strongs Heb#: 8451- תּוֹרָה / torah / to-raw' (Noun Feminine): direction, instruction, law, bullock, ox, Or torah {to-raw'}; from yarah; a precept or statute, especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch -- law.

even Strongs Heb#: 637- אַף / aph / af (Conjunction): also, yea, although, and furthermore, yet, but, even, how much less more, rather than

thorn Strongs Heb#: 6975- קוֹץ / qots / kotse (Noun Masculine): a thorn, thornbush

one Strongs Heb#: 259- אֶחָד / echad / ekh-awd' (Adjective): one, a, alike, alone, altogether, and, anything, apiece, a certain

until Strongs Heb#: 5704-5705- עַד / ad / ad (Preposition; Preposition ; Conjunction): against, and, as, at, before, by that, even to, forasmuch as, as far as, even to, up to, until, while

certainly Strongs Heb#: 3588- כִּי / ki / kee (conjunction): that, for, when; forasmuch, inasmuch, whereas, assuredly, but, certainly, doubtless

all Strongs Heb#: 3605- כֹּל / kol / kole (Noun Masculine): the whole, all, in all manner, ye, altogether, any manner, enough, every one, place, thing

will fulfill. Strongs Heb#: 6965- קוּם / qum / koom (Verb): to arise, stand up, stand, abide, make surely, be uphold, fulfill, established

Matthew 5:18 is a powerful verse in the Bible. This verse is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and it contains important lessons for Christians today.

To fully understand the meaning of this verse, we need to examine its context. Jesus has just finished talking about how he did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them. He emphasizes that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and he instructs his followers to obey the Law and to teach others to do the same.

In Matthew 5:18, Jesus makes an emphatic statement about the enduring nature of the Law. He says that not even the smallest letter or stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. This means that the Law will remain in force until the end of time, and that it will never be nullified or invalidated.

An important lesson that we can learn from this verse is that the Law is important to God. The Law is not something that can be ignored or set aside, even by Jesus himself. The Law is an expression of God's will, and it reflects His character and His Holiness. Christians today should continue to study and obey the Law, not because it saves us, but because it reveals God's heart to us and helps us to live in a way that pleases him.

Jesus fulfilled the Law. He did not come to abolish it, but to fulfill it. This means that he perfectly obeyed the Law, and he fulfilled all the requirements of the Law on our behalf. Because of His obedience, we are no longer under the curse of the Law, and we are free to live in grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit, which in turn draws us nearer to a need to follow the Law within our hearts.

This verse reminds us of the ultimate purpose of the Law. The Law was given to reveal our sinfulness and to point us to our need for a Savior. The Law shows us that we cannot save ourselves, and that we need a perfect substitute to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus is that perfect substitute, and he fulfilled the Law so that we could be reconciled to God.

Matthew 5:18 is a powerful verse that reminds us of the enduring nature of the Law, the fulfillment of the Law by Jesus Christ, and the ultimate purpose of the Law in pointing us to our need for a savior. As Christians, we should continue to study and obey the Law, not as a means of earning salvation, but as a way of growing closer to God and understanding His character and His will for our lives. God has provided no other way within His Word to serve Him better!

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Yah And Sons

The Sabbath Recall

by Nathan Kwedor

Shabbat Shalom [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] ! This Sabbath is the 22nd day of the 2nd month.

I get it, people do not like to read long emails. Studies show that the average person only spends 8-12 seconds over any email, and our email engagement rate has dropped more than 10%. Yet, here I am writing 10 minute plus blog reads. The thing is, email is the most stable and broad platform anyone can use.

These studies or studying the Bible in general may seem boring at times, but its very exciting when we find the little golden nuggets that are full of spiritual richness. It is important to remain diligent in our studies and self disciplined regardless of how we feel. Persistency is always key when it comes to doing anything worthwhile. And since Gods Word is probably the most important thing we can learn in our lives it most definitely should be one of our top priorities.

2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

To properly study the Bible every Word has to be defined. Defining the Words is the easy part, it is the context that can become tricky. We offer Word for Word definitions in these studies for credibility. The more I study the Hebrew and the Greek texts of the Bible it becomes more clear there is a completely different scripture hidden behind these original languages compared to the English language translations everyone is familiar with.

Different scripture means different doctrine. Different Words produce different thought, even the slightest. I pray all of the church of Christ becomes hungry for the True doctrine of the Gospel.

I pray this week and this study bless you fully. If you have any questions or prayer/financial requests you can reach me directly by replying to this email. The commentary study for this verse will be after the Word definitions of the email.

God bless you,


The Sabbath Recall Bible Study

King James Version Matthew 5: 18

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Strong's Greek Matthew 5: 18

ἀμὴν γὰρ λέγω ὑμῖν, ἕως ἂν παρέλθῃ ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ, ἰῶτα ἓν ἢ μία κεραία οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ ἀπὸ τοῦ νόμου, ἕως ἂν πάντα γένηται.

Gar legō hymin amēn heōs an ouranos kai gē parelthē ou mē hen iōta ē mia keraia parelthē apo tou nomou heōs an panta genētai.

For I tell you truly, until an heaven and earth pass away, not ??? a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the law until ??? everything is accomplished.

Salkinson Ginsburg Hebrew Matthew 5: 18 (Read Left To Right)

כִּי הֵן אָמֵן אָנֹכִי מַגִּיד לָכֶם עַד אֲשֶׁר הַשָּׁמַיִם וְהָאָרֶץ יַעֲבֹרוּן לֹא תַעֲבֹר יוּד אַחַת מִן־הַתּוֹרָה אַף לֹא קוֹץ אֶחָד עַד כִּי־כֻלָּם יָקוּמוּ:

Kiy hen amen anokhiy magiyd lakhem ad asher hashׁamayim v'haaretz yvrvn lo taavor yod achat mnhtvrh af lo kotz ached ad khykhlm yakumu:

For behold truly I declare to you, until the Heavens and the Earth will pass, will not remove one yod from the Torah even one thorn until certainly all will fulfill.

Word for Word Greek Definition of Matthew 5: 18

For Strong's Greek 1063: γὰρ / gar (Conjunction): for, indeed (a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation)

I tell Strong's Greek 3004: λέγω / legō / leg'-o (Verb): (denoting speech in progress), (a) I say, speak; I mean, mention, tell, (b) I call, name, especially in the pass., (c) I tell, command.

you Strong's Greek 4771: ὑμῖν / hymin / su / soo (Personal / Possessive Pronoun) - Dative 2nd Person Plural: You. The person pronoun of the second person singular; thou.

truly, Strong's Greek 281: ἀμὴν / amēn / am-ane' (Hebrew Word): Of Hebrew origin; properly, firm, i.e. trustworthy; adverbially, surely.

until Strong's Greek 2193: ἕως / heōs / heh'-oce (Conjunction): A conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until.

??? (an) Strong's Greek 302: ἂν / an (Particle): usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty

heaven Strong's Greek 3772: οὐρανὸς / ouranos / oo-ran-os' (Noun): heaven, (a) the visible heavens: the atmosphere, the sky, the starry heavens, (b) the spiritual heavens.

and Strong's Greek 2532: καὶ / kai (Conjunction): And, even, also, namely.

earth Strong's Greek 1093: γῆ / gē / ghay (Noun): the earth, soil, land, region, country, inhabitants of a region.

pass away, Strong's Greek 3928: παρέλθῃ / parelthē / parerchomai / par-er'-khom-ahee (Verb): to pass by, to come to , I pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; I am rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard.

not Strong's Greek 3756: οὐ / ou (Adverb): No, not. Also ouk, and ouch a primary word; the absolute negative adverb; no or not.

that Strong's Greek 3361: μὴ / mē (Adverb): not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation)

a single Strong's Greek 1520: ἓν / hen (Adjective): - Nominative Neuter Singular: One. (including the neuter Hen); a primary numeral; one.

jot, Strong's Greek 2503: ἰῶτα / iōta / ee-o'-tah (Noun): iota, a small letter of the Greek alphabet, used in the NT (like yod, the Hebrew or rather Aramaic letter which was the smallest of all) to indicate the smallest part.

not Strong's Greek 2228:  / ē (Conjunction): Or, than. A primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than.

a Strong's Greek 1520: μία / mia / heis / hice (Adjective) - Nominative Feminine Singular: One. (including the neuter Hen); a primary numeral; one.

stroke of a pen, Strong's Greek 2762: κεραία / keraia / ker-ah'-yah (Noun): a little horn , a little hook, an apostrophe on letters of the alphabet, distinguishing them from other little letters, or a separation stroke between letters.

will disappear Strong's Greek 3928: παρέλθῃ / parelthē / parerchomai / par-er'-khom-ahee (Verb): to pass by, to come to , I pass by, pass away, pass out of sight; I am rendered void, become vain, neglect, disregard.

from Strong's Greek 575: ἀπὸ / apo / apo' (Preposition): From, away from. A primary particle; 'off, ' i.e. Away, in various senses.

the Strong's Greek 3588: τοῦ / tou / ho (Article) - Genitive Masculine Singular: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

Law Strong's Greek 3551: νόμου / nomou / nom'-os (Noun): that which is assigned, usage, law , usage, custom, law; in NT: of law in general, plur: of divine laws; of a force or influence impelling to action; of the Mosaic law; meton: of the books which contain the law, the Pentateuch, the Old Testament scriptures in general.

until Strong's Greek 2193: ἕως / heōs / heh'-oce (Conjunction): A conjunction, preposition and adverb of continuance, until, till.

??? (an) Strong's Greek 302: ἂν / an (Particle): usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty

everything Strong's Greek 3956: πάντα / panta / pas (Adjective): all, every , all, the whole, every kind of.

is accomplished. Strong's Greek 1096: γένηται / genētai / ghin'-om-ahee (Verb): to come into being, to happen, to become , I come into being, am born, become, come about, happen.

Word for Word Hebrew Definition of Matthew 5: 18

For Strongs Heb#: 3588- כִּי / ki / kee (conjunction): that, for, when; forasmuch, inasmuch, whereas, assuredly, but, certainly, doubtless

behold Strongs Heb#:2005- הֵן / hen /hane (Verb): behold, if, lo, though . A primitive particle; lo!; also (as expressing surprise) if -- behold, if, lo, though.

truly Strongs Heb#:543- אָמֵן / amen / aw-mane' (Adverb): Amen, so be it, truth . From 'aman; sure; abstract, faithfulness; adverb, truly -- Amen, so be it, truth.

I Strongs Heb#:595- אָנֹכִי / anoki / aw-no-kee' (Pronoun Singular Common; Pronoun Singular): I, me, which . Sometimes {aw-no'-kee}; a primitive pro.; I -- I, me, X which.

declare Strongs Heb#:5046- נָגַד / nagad / naw-gad' (Verb): bewray, certainly, certify, declare, denounce, expound, fully, messenger, to be conspicuous

to you, Strongs Heb#: 413- אֵל / el / ale (Preposition): about, according to, after, against, among, as for, at, because, before both , to, into, towards

until Strongs Heb#: 5704-5705- עַד / ad / ad (Preposition; Preposition ; Conjunction): against, and, as, at, before, by that, even to, forasmuch as, as far as, even to, up to, until, while

the Strongs Heb#: 834- אֲשֶׁר / asher / ash-er' (Particle of Relation; Connecting Link; Conjunction; Adverb; Conjunction; Adverb; Conjunction; Conjunction; Relative Particle; Pronoun; Conjunction): after, alike, as soon as, because, every, for, forasmuch, from whence, who, which, that

Heavens Strongs Heb#: 8064-8065 שָׁמַיִם / shamayim / shaw-mah'-yim (Noun Masculine) air, astrologer, heavens, sky

and the Earth Strongs Heb#: 776- אֶרֶץ / erets / eh'-rets (Noun Feminine): earth, land

will pass, Strongs Heb#: 5674- עָבַר / abar / aw-bar' (Verb): to pass over, through, or by, pass on

will not Strongs Heb#: 3808- לֹא / lo / lo (Adverb): not, before, or else, ere, except, ignorant, much, less, nay

remove Strongs Heb#: 5674- עָבַר / abar / aw-bar' (Verb): to pass over, through, or by, pass on

yad Strongs Heb#: 3027-3028- יָד / yad / yawd (Noun Feminine): hand, be able, about, armholes, at, axletree, because of, beside, border, indicating power

one Strongs Heb#: 259- אֶחָד / echad / ekh-awd' (Adjective): one, a, alike, alone, altogether, and, anything, apiece, a certain

from Strongs Heb#: 4480- מִן / min or minni or minne / min (Preposition): from, above, after, among, at, because of, by reason of, from among, in

the Torah Strongs Heb#: 8451- תּוֹרָה / torah / to-raw' (Noun Feminine): direction, instruction, law, bullock, ox, Or torah {to-raw'}; from yarah; a precept or statute, especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch -- law.

even Strongs Heb#: 637- אַף / aph / af (Conjunction): also, yea, although, and furthermore, yet, but, even, how much less more, rather than

thorn Strongs Heb#: 6975- קוֹץ / qots / kotse (Noun Masculine): a thorn, thornbush

one Strongs Heb#: 259- אֶחָד / echad / ekh-awd' (Adjective): one, a, alike, alone, altogether, and, anything, apiece, a certain

until Strongs Heb#: 5704-5705- עַד / ad / ad (Preposition; Preposition ; Conjunction): against, and, as, at, before, by that, even to, forasmuch as, as far as, even to, up to, until, while

certainly Strongs Heb#: 3588- כִּי / ki / kee (conjunction): that, for, when; forasmuch, inasmuch, whereas, assuredly, but, certainly, doubtless

all Strongs Heb#: 3605- כֹּל / kol / kole (Noun Masculine): the whole, all, in all manner, ye, altogether, any manner, enough, every one, place, thing

will fulfill. Strongs Heb#: 6965- קוּם / qum / koom (Verb): to arise, stand up, stand, abide, make surely, be uphold, fulfill, established

Matthew 5:18 is a powerful verse in the Bible. This verse is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, and it contains important lessons for Christians today.

To fully understand the meaning of this verse, we need to examine its context. Jesus has just finished talking about how he did not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them. He emphasizes that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it, and he instructs his followers to obey the Law and to teach others to do the same.

In Matthew 5:18, Jesus makes an emphatic statement about the enduring nature of the Law. He says that not even the smallest letter or stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. This means that the Law will remain in force until the end of time, and that it will never be nullified or invalidated.

An important lesson that we can learn from this verse is that the Law is important to God. The Law is not something that can be ignored or set aside, even by Jesus himself. The Law is an expression of God's will, and it reflects His character and His Holiness. Christians today should continue to study and obey the Law, not because it saves us, but because it reveals God's heart to us and helps us to live in a way that pleases him.

Jesus fulfilled the Law. He did not come to abolish it, but to fulfill it. This means that he perfectly obeyed the Law, and he fulfilled all the requirements of the Law on our behalf. Because of His obedience, we are no longer under the curse of the Law, and we are free to live in grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit, which in turn draws us nearer to a need to follow the Law within our hearts.

This verse reminds us of the ultimate purpose of the Law. The Law was given to reveal our sinfulness and to point us to our need for a Savior. The Law shows us that we cannot save ourselves, and that we need a perfect substitute to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus is that perfect substitute, and he fulfilled the Law so that we could be reconciled to God.

Matthew 5:18 is a powerful verse that reminds us of the enduring nature of the Law, the fulfillment of the Law by Jesus Christ, and the ultimate purpose of the Law in pointing us to our need for a savior. As Christians, we should continue to study and obey the Law, not as a means of earning salvation, but as a way of growing closer to God and understanding His character and His will for our lives. God has provided no other way within His Word to serve Him better!

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