Matthew 5:21 Anger Is Murder

Yah And Sons

The Sabbath Recall

By Nathan Kwedor

Shabbat Shalom [FIRST NAME GOES HERE] !

15th day of the 3rd month

Sabbath Bible Study

King James Version Matthew 5: 21

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment:

Strong’s Greek Matthew 5: 21

Ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις Οὐ φονεύσεις· ὃς δ' ἂν φονεύσῃ ἔνοχος ἔσται τῇ κρίσει

Ikoúsate óti erréthi toís archaíois Ou fonéfseis: ós d' án fonéfsi énochos éstai tí krísei

You have heard that it was said to the ancients, "You shall not kill; whoever kills shall be guilty of judgment."

Salkinson-Ginsburg Hebrew N.T. Matthew 5: 21 (Read Left To Right)

שְׁמַעְתֶּם אֵת אֲשֶׁר נֶאֱמַר לַקַּדְמֹנִים לֹא תִּרְצָח וְהָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר יִרְצַח יִנָּתֵן לַמִּשְׁפָּט בִּפְלִלִים׃

Sh'ma'tem et asher ne'emar lkdmnym lo tir'tzach v'haiysh asher yir'tzach yinaten lamish'pat vfllym׃

You have heard what was said to the ancients, you shall not murder, and the man who murders shall be judged for his crimes.

In Matthew 5:21 Yahusha starts in on the subject of murder and anger. Murder is against the law everywhere within this realm-Thankfully. The very first law ever made against murder comes from God Himself and is the 6th commandment of the 10 given to Moses on Mt Sinai.

When Yahusha teaches the law of God He strikes at the core, the root of mulberry bush that has taken root in the heart. He goes much deeper than the general law of "do not murder". He addresses the cause. And since it comes from the heart, its the same thing.

Our heart is the table of our mind. Our thoughts are the seed, the heart is the soil, and when our thoughts take root and bear fruit we produce the actions thereof.

Matthew 7:16-17 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

James 1:20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Judgement for murder in the Old Testament was the death penalty. Unless, there was only one witness, then it was banishment. No payment was to ever be received in turn for the taking of a life. It was eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.

In Revelation 21:8 it is mentioned that murderers will enter into their portion of the lake of fire. If Yahusha says that murder and anger are the same (in the next verse) then what does that mean for those who are angry without cause?

Yahusha says that every branch that does not bear fruit IN HIM will be cut off. Anger is the root of murder and hate is the root of anger. Death is the opposite of life. And Yahusha is life.

I found joy in causing others pain and violence became my friend. I would hurt people for no reason, just because I felt like it. That rage was the only feeling that I ever felt and it would have eventually taken my life in one way or another had I not turned back to Our Messiah.

I became tired as I got older. The life was being sucked out of me. I started recognizing that my anger was under my control and wasn't something happening to me...Thanks to a retired Marine screaming that in my face during a court ordered anger management class for an assault charge at 17. It was something I would never forget and he planted a seed.

I realized that happiness was a choice, and that I could choose to be angry or happy. I was hurting myself with my anger along with others. I was not a part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now I am 33, and I've learned a lot since then. Anger is a waste of time, even if you have every right to be. If you can still be happy when you have the right to be angry you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit of self control. Not only that, but your influence might bring the best out of someone else, including your offender.

And that's what its all about. Helping others. To be angry with someone even if you have reason makes you nearly the same. It doesn't make you right. You can't fight fire with fire. Love covers a multitude of sins. Love wins over anger every time.

Anger is bondage, forgiveness is grace. Forgiveness is for yourself more than it is for others. Yah could not be God if He didn't forgive. He would be like one of us, holding a pointless grudge for years. This week let us enter into the Kingdom of Heaven by practicing forgiveness, loving others, and holding our temper. It's all for self-care. To be more like Yahusha is a healthy life, body, and spirit!

Have a blessed Sabbath! I pray this week and this study bless you fully. If you have any questions/requests you can reach me directly by replying to this email.

God bless you,


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