Sorry Kiddo, Its Not Really Your Birthday

My Sabbath Revelation Journal

By Nathan Kwedor


Tomorrow evening is the Sabbath, the 22nd day of the 5th month. This evening marks the beginning of the 21st day.

The Day I Set Sail

Once upon a time I was sent on a journey from heaven, to sail across the stars. I didn’t ask to go, but God sent me.

He gave me a ship, and I sailed away from His light. My journey took nine months across the waters I sailed, the ship God gave me kept me fed, and gave me rest.

I saw many wonderful things as I sailed, as His angels were with me to guide me.

It wasn’t until 40 weeks later as I started to wake, that I looked out across the waters and for my first time I saw dry land.

I came to the dock and started to exit my ship, it had been my home for 9 months but it was time for me to go.

I entered the port of entry and I climbed down my rope.

But before I could get both feet on the ground someone grabbed my rope from my hands.

It was a big man. But he seemed friendly. He offered to care for my ship and to feed me, and he even gave me water to drink.

He said he was my big brother, and that for the rest of my life he would be there to look after me. I would never need for anything...

He said all I had to give him in return was my ship.

I figured I would never need it again anyways, I had outgrown it. Besides, I would now have everything I need.

He gave me a certificate of sale and I went on my way.

As time went by weird things started to happen to me. The food my big brother gave me made me sick, and I grew too big.

The medicine he provided only seemed to make me need more medicine for the side effects.

The education was limited, I was only allowed to learn what he wanted me to know and it was expensive.

Then, I had to pay taxes, on everything. Even on my house and cars that I already owned. The more I paid, the more he wanted.

I lived a large part of my life this way thinking it was normal.

Then one day I came across my certificate of sale that I received for my ship so long ago. I realized the paper felt funny, and that it was printed with a serial number on it. Could this mean anything? I thought...

The Birth Certificate

How old are you? Is it rude of me to ask? 100 times out of 100 anyone would answer that question based off the day they were born. Why wouldn't they...right?

The medical definition of childbirth is:

Childbirth, the process of delivering a baby and the placenta, membranes, and umbilical cord from the uterus to the vagina to the outside world.

According to our birth certificate we are missing 9 months of our lives. Our birth certificate says life doesn't start until we exit the womb. What about those other 9 months of fertilization that begin at the zygote?

Our birth certificate is printed on BANK BOND PAPER and a serial number is issued for each one. Have you ever thought about what this might mean?

Remember the legal medical definition of childbirth above? The exiting of the womb of the baby, the placenta, the membranes, and the umbilical cord...

So... you can look at it like this, when a baby is born the placenta and the membrane is still inside the womb after the baby comes out. We (the dad usually) cuts the umbilical cord from the placenta and membrane, then the membrane is delivered after.

So medically defined we are still UNBORN after birth.

The hospital takes the placenta and the membranes, a dead thing...Which is your property.

The parents then sign the birth certificate which in the big picture, is the giving up of those property the government, or the bank.

The birth certificate is your receipt for that property.

What Does This Mean?

You see, the ship you sailed in on is the placenta, and when the water broke you came to your port of entry. You stepped foot on dry land but in that very second, your ship is taken from you and the property rights of that God given ship is signed over to man.

You are cut off from the divinity of that ship when the umbilical cord is cut, legally being declared unborn. The man then becomes the author over your life in place of God. You then become an artificial entity by legal definition instead of the natural living man.

Your living body breathes life into this dead artificial entity every time you buy a house, a car, get a job, or use your credit. You become the property of your government, instead of the property of God.

This is why abortion is happening. There is no life legally considered before the birth. You are really 9 months older than you say you are. Yet we gave consent to all of this. Unknowingly of course, but we did.

The bank then uses our consent, our certificate, as they can continue printing money furthering our debt crisis.

Wanna see for yourself? Pull out your birth certificate and feel the paper. It almost feels like money.

Then check the serial number. You can enter that serial number on and see how many millions and millions of dollars your collateral is being traded for in the stock market.

look here...-->

1.Click on the website

2.Go to "News and Research" and click on "Quotes"

3.Enter your 'certificate serial number' with a space between each number and click search.

4. Click 're-search' on each stock that appears and look at your figures!

Or You Can Follow the Instructions Here.-->

All of this, is the reason for this...-->

32 trillion dollars in debt. Now, who do we owe that money to? Well, that's for another study :)

You are identified as the dead thing, a piece of paper...The 'IDEM SONANS,' Latin for the same sounding name, your all capital letter name. The name on your birth certificate, drivers license, and social security card. This is also known as the ‘straw man.’

Only the natural divine man from God has rights. This is why our constitution is trampled upon. Our AUTHORity has been moved from God to another man.

Man has stepped in and has by our consent become the AUTHORship of our lives. Another root cause of this mess is the breaking of the 10th commandment, wanting more than we need.

God Is Not A God Of The Dead, But Is A God Of The Living.

Proverbs 22:26 Do not be one of those who shakes hands in a pledge, One of those who is surety for debts.

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Proverbs 11:15 There is danger in putting up security for a strangers debt; it is safer not to guarantee another persons debt.

Proverbs 6:1-2 My child, if you have put up security for a friends debt or agreed to guarantee the debt of a stranger, you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth.

I hope you have enjoyed this study, If you have any questions or if there is something you would like to see researched, please reply to this email and let me know!

Yah Bless You,

Your Brother In Christ,


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John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all Truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

John 15:26 But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.

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